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Click on the Episodes button at the top of the page or “Read more” to access the episode recording!
Recorded back in June of 2020 we have a special interview with a 30year plus collector Don Dusendang! Come and learn about “The Dang”!
Bill Faith talks to us about Pez organizational options (See pictures on our website!), collecting variations, First Impressions of going to a Convention, and Special Finds!
Alicia Reed brings sunshine to this episode as we talk 80’s, Collections we miss, Tips for going to Goodwill Distribution centers, Arts and Crafts with Pez and Getting through the Pandemic.
Parents of an amazing son, Patrick and Lisa Neel join the show to talk about how this couple keeps the Pez love flowing! (except Pops!)
Rocks or Pez? Love stories from Collectors Ilona and Thomas Schlafer
We talk about their love story. The love of Pez. Special Pez. Fantasy Pez. Mean Pez. Even a little Pop Pez..
We’ve been quiet for a bit and we want to tell you why and what’s happening next! We miss you!
Artist and Inspirational, Chelsea Elliott joins the show and we talk Artistry, Anxiety, Fanny Packs, 'Weird', Hard Pasts, Survival & Love.
Justin and Andrea met someone we didn’t know, Nicka Munsey, a Maine Pezhead, and we had a delightful conversation about Pez!
A joyful interview with Maheba Merhi who talks about her collection, her vast experience of running Pezcific for 16 years and some other interesting Pez history!
Come with us as Collector Ryan Omori walks us around his home to tell us about his collection!
We have fun with Pastor Shawn Hartsell talks about the Jungle book, snowmen, the generosity of the Pez Community and so much more Pez goodness. (and we send love to his wife Lucy!)
Andrea and Justin get reaquainted as we come back from a break to get you another episode. We talk reverse auctions, buying pez, moving, new pez rooms, Pezamania and and and……. It was great to talk pez again!
Lisa Levine joins the show for a delightful conversation about her collection, special made items, favorites and her work as a lawyer with the National Women’s Soccer League.
Long time collectors, Mike and Yvonne Chadwick join the podcast and tell us tales of finding some real special pez items in all their travels!
Actor Mark Povenelli joins that show to talk about his acting career, The Art of Collecting, Little People of America and of course Pez Collecting!
Love at first sight and that’s for Bob and Pez! Long time love birds Bob and Faye Tipton join the show!
When the love of Pez makes a love match, Keith Roland and his future bride Pamela Zeutzius join us to talk about Pez, how to find love through sarcasm and how they manage their collectibles!
Rick Marlowe & Thomas Johnson (the Wallet) join the show to talk about the friendship they have developed and the epic road trip to Sturgis.
2021 has finally made it’s way here and the Pez Collection Podcast talks about what we appreciated in 2020 and what we hope for in the future!
Long time collector Terrance Linn joins the show and talks about his love of pez and some good tips about painting!
We were pleased to get to talk with PHOTY winner and admin on several of your favorite Pez FB pages, Jessica Orozco!
We were chuffed to meet and speak with Pez Collector/Gardener (and Justin’s new brother) Luke Butson from Cornwall England!
Collector and creator of Pez Stickers, Matt Davis joins us to tell us how it all started and much more!!
Daniel and Amy Emrazian join us to talk about choir, Pez Proposals and there are some pumpkin carving tips in there!!
Pez Collector Jeanette Storms joins us to talk of wine and cooking! “Do what makes you happy!”
Shawnn’s been collecting since 97’! Handyman, YouTuber, Unique pieces collector, gardener, Restorer and he has fun with Pez!
We really got to know Amy Griffin in this episode: Speech Pathologist, Pez organization, It’s all about stories, Maximalist, Phantom of the Opera, Rocky Horror shadow cast, books! And so much more!
On this high energy episode we meet Julia Olson. We’re talking Music, teaching, collecting and so much more, like Rubic Cubes!
Pez Icon and elusive butterfly Phyllis Oreck joins the show to talk about her extensive collection, her time with Judge Judy, her special connection to the Wizard of Oz and so much more!