(Week 5) Summer Rewind: Jon Hicks from Aug 2018
Summer Rewind Jon HIcks.png

One more week until Summer is over! Join us for a Summer Rewind with our conversation with Jon Hicks!

Jon Hicks

 01:00  Jon Hicks, is he a Jon or a Jonathon?

01:45  He started collecting in the 90’s

02:17  Got in to community just this last year!

02:43  Come to website to check out his Michigan tee shirt

03:05  Find out what other things Jon collected and the one he wishes was still around

03:30  How he started collecting

04:45  His son Gary loves pez!

05:30  At the age of 3 Gary celebrates his bday at the visitors center

06:00  Michigan convention discovery and reaching out to Jim Blaine

07:35  Find out what his wife (his enabler) thinks of it. 

08:30  Learning about Jon’s special SWAG (trading items)

11:15  The process of making home brewed beer

13:15  When does the Pez come into the process

13:45  What the alcohol percentage is for these!

14:20  He used all the fruit flavors

15:39  Shout out to his wife and son for unpacking the pez packs!

17:15  Who gets his pez collection when he’s gone?

18:15   Will there be enough to go around?

19:00  He’s open to trade vintage!!

19:30  Needs a batman with a cape  (He’s a big fan!)

19:55  He has a unique favorite batman! 

21:39  Jon is a big The Office fan

23:00  What Office character would collect pez?

24:20  Jon’s upbringing

25:30  Shout out to Anita, Bob and sister Dana!

26:15  Learn what Jon does for a living and how he juggles family and work

25:00 We talk about old games 

28:35  Justin appreciates Jon’s mustache

29:45  Andrea likes the “Cheese”!  

30:40  Justin so wants to grow one again!

32:25  Shout out to Bill H’s mustache!

33:30  What Pez dispenser does Jon wish they would make?

34:20  Vigo Poster in his room  and we chat about Ghostbusters

38:50  He does have a Pez tattoo!  And what was his first one

44:00  What Jon wont be doing! 

46:00  His advise to new collectors! 

Items mentioned: 

Untappd  https://untappd.com/

Movember   https://us.movember.com/   @Movember #movember

BadAss beard company  https://badassbeardcare.com/   @badassbeardcare #badassbeardcare


On Facebook:  Pez Community

Lets talk pez

 Convention Page: https://pezpalz.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_20.html  Thank you PezPalz!  

Jon Hicks on FB!  https://www.facebook.com/canonjon

An article about Jon that came out after our call that has more pictures:    https://www.hometownlife.com/story/entertainment/2018/08/13/pez-convention-makes-its-debut-livonia/939717002/ 


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